UCD National Virus Reference Laboratory, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, D04 E1W1, Ireland Tel: +353 1 7164401, Email: nvrl@ucd.ie
The NVRL is currently changing its platform for the molecular investigation for Chlamydia trachomatis (CT). The Roche COBAS Amplicor CT assay will be replaced with the Gen-Probe Aptima Combo2 assay (to be performed on the Tigris platform) from August 4th of this year. The Aptima assay targets ribosomal RNA (rRNA) rather than DNA. The reasons for this change are as follows:
There are two issues we would like to highlight for you on the introduction of this new assay:
Whilst bacterial culture remains the gold standard for the diagnosis of GC infection, and is also of great importance for detecting the emergence of antimicrobial resistance, the Aptima Combo2 assay provides a mechanism for screening large numbers of patients conveniently, rapidly, and effectively. This is especially the case for asymptomatic patients. However, for symptomatic patents, it is anticipated many centres will continue to send specimens for bacterial culture in addition to molecular testing.
There are two specimen collection devices (SCD) available for the new Aptima assay, one for urine samples and the other is a unisex swab device for urethral and cervical samples.
A significant advantage of these new SCD is that both are stable following urine/swab collection at room temperature for a period of thirty days. This will negate the need for refrigeration or urgent transport of samples to the NVRL.
SCD can be ordered in boxes of fifty and have a shelf-life of approximately nine months (expiry date printed on the side of each SCD). We would anticipate delivering an initial supply of SCD in the week beginning July 21st. Subsequent orders of SCD can be made by emailing nvrl@ucd.ie or faxing (01) 716 1135. When emailing or faxing, please place the word “Chlamydia” in the subject line so your order can be dealt with promptly.
In conjunction with the first SCD delivery, we attach Gen-Probe Specimen Collection Guides illustrating the use of the new SCD (see below).
If you have any other queries or feedback about this new assay please feel free to contact Dr Suzie Coughlan on 716 1359, Dr Cillian De Gascun on 716 1240, or Dr Jeff Connell on 716 1321.