UCD National Virus Reference Laboratory, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, D04 E1W1, Ireland Tel: +353 1 7164401, Email: nvrl@ucd.ie
CN-21-4 – Addendum
Following the publication of this customer notification on Friday 5th March 2021, from today 8th March 2021 all SARS CoV-2 RNA swab testing is now taking place at the NVRL Satellite Lab in Backweston. As with any change there have been a few teething issues today.
Please note that only SARS CoV-2 swabs are being tested in Backweston. Bloods and other sample types must still go to the main NVRL site in UCD.
Several deliveries to Backweston campus today have gone to buildings other than our own. This has been raised as a Health and Safety Risk by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine.
Such instances could also affect the turnaround time. Our Specimen Reception is at the back of the campus in a modular build clearly marked HSE, NVRL Specimen Reception. Gate security will also be able to advise if there is any confusion.
Our specific address is:
Department of Agriculture Food and the Marine
Backweston Laboratory Campus
Co. Kildare
W23 VW2C