UCD National Virus Reference Laboratory, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, D04 E1W1, Ireland Tel: +353 1 7164401, Email: nvrl@ucd.ie
UCD Estate Services: Notice of changes to Access and Egress at UCD Belfield
Enabling Works for ‘UCD Future Campus Phase 1’ located in the vicinity of the N11 entrance will commence during the week beginning Monday 9th August.
From Monday August 9th vehicular access and circulation routes to the below locations will change:
Please be advised that all vehicular traffic entering the N11 entrance must turn left upon entry to campus and proceed to the above locations via the new road passing through Car Park N3.
There will still be access to the NVRL following the above route.
Egress arrangements at the N11 entrance will also be affected by this phase of the enabling works. The city bound slip road and associated roadways at the N11 entrance will be closed and the access road to Car Park N2 will be reconfigured to a two-way traffic system. Egress from the N2 car park will be facilitated by construction of a new exit point onto the existing road at the N11 exit.