UCD National Virus Reference Laboratory, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, D04 E1W1, Ireland Tel: +353 1 7164401, Email: nvrl@ucd.ie
UCD Telephone services have advised us that fixed telephone services affecting approximately half of the Belfield campus are experiencing disruption. This includes all of the NVRL. They have also stated that replacements for faulty equipment have been sourced and are expected in UCD later this morning. It is unlikely that the service will be restored today. Updates by UCD are available here.
Update: Friday 7th June
Services are being restored today but dropped calls can be expected as the main system is rebooted.
We have set up temporary enquiry lines as listed below
Our urgent fax is still working 01 2697611.
Clinical Enquiries 087 980 6448
Molecular Enquiries 087 280 5203
Serology Enquiries 087 927 8558
Virus Isolation Enquiries 087 221 4593