July 2013

NVRL requirements for Consent Forms


The NVRL require the following on consent forms:

  1. Headed paper

  2. Patient name in block capitals

  3. Patient signature

  4. Patient date of birth

  5. Laboratory Test(s)/results to be released

  6. Doctor’s name in block capitals

  7. Doctor’s signature

  8. Address of Clinic/Hospital

  9. Date
Posted By Brian O'Grady read more

B. burgdorferi investigations at the NVRL


An audit was performed at The National Virus Reference Laboratory (NVRL) on the serological investigation of suspected Borrelia burgdorferi (B. burgdorferi) infection. The audit reviewed the performance of the B. burgdorferi IgM assays in comparison with the B. burgdorferi IgG and combined IgG/IgM assays. All samples in which there was serological evidence for recent B. burgdorferi infections were sent to the Lyme Borreliosis Unit, Southampton, UK for confirmation.

Posted By Patrick.Murray read more