The virus isolation unit (VI) at the National Virus Reference Laboratory (NVRL) will undergo refurbishment between August and October 2016. This will limit the capacity of the VI unit to culture clinical samples referred during this period, as only a minimum number of cell lines will be maintained. Therefore, the priority during this period will be to ensure that the World Health Organisation (WHO) programmes for polio, measles and rubella eradication continue and are available to investigate clinically compatible cases.
All samples collected from individuals that do not fall within the WHO programmes will be tested using molecular assays for the respective viral pathogen. In addition, certain samples selected based upon the nature and severity of symptoms, which are positive in the molecular assays, will also be tested by VI.
Please note that we will retain limited capacity to perform cell culture for non-WHO samples where clinically indicated on a case by case basis. If you would like to request same, please contact a member of the clinical team on 01-7164401.
The refurbishment will have a minimal effect on the use of immunofluorescence (IF) assays so investigations of samples by IF will continue as normal.