Improving preparedness to respond to cross-border hepatitis A outbreaks in the European Union/European Economic Area: towards comparable sequencing of hepatitis A virus.

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Enkirch T, Severi E, Vennema H, Thornton L, Dean J, Borg ML, Ciccaglione AR, Bruni R, Christova I, Ngui SL, Balogun K, Němeček V, Kontio M, Takács M, Hettmann A, Korotinska R, Löve A, Avellón A, Muñoz-Chimeno M, de Sousa R, Janta D, Epštein J, Klamer S, Suin V, Aberle SW, Holzmann H, Mellou K, Ederth JL, Sundqvist L, Roque-Afonso AM, Filipović SK, Poljak M, Vold L, Stene-Johansen K, Midgley S, Fischer TK, Faber M, Wenzel JJ, Takkinen J, Leitmeyer K.
Euro Surveill. 2019 Jul;24(28).