Customer Notification: Change of assay for the detection and quantification of EBV DNA

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Date of change: 29th July 2024

Test code: AEBV

The current real-time PCR assay for the detection and quantification of EBV DNA is manufactured by Artus however this assay has now been discontinued. The NVRL will switch to an assay provided by Altona Diagnostics.

The Altona assay reports in International Units per ml (IU/ml) compared to copies/ml in the Artus assay. Reporting in IU/ml aids standardisation of reporting between different assays and laboratories.

The conversion factor for retrospective analysis of Artus results as determined by UCD NVRL is

0.09 copy/ml = 1 IU/ml

Viral load ≥ 1000 IU/ml (log 3.0) and < 100,000,000,000 (log 11.0) will be reported quantitatively along with the Log value.

Please note, the Altona assay reports viral titre results up to ~1.0 Log IU/ml higher than the Artus assay. If monitoring a patient’s viral load, it may be advisable to re-baseline where appropriate.

UCD NVRL will commence testing with the Altona Assay on Monday 29th July 2024.

Please contact the Clinical Line on 01-7164401 if you have any queries.