Customer Notification: Trichomonas vaginalis testing at UCD NVRL – UPDATE


Earlier this week, UCD NVRL advised users of a supply issue in relation to Aptima® Trichomonas vaginalis Assay.

UCD NVRL is delighted to inform users that these kits are now in stock and testing will resume. 

UCD NVRL sincerely apologises for any delays in issuing results, which was completely outside our control.

Any queries in relation to this notification should be addressed to


NVRL reference: CN-23-23 UPDATE

Posted By Helen.Dawkins read more


About the NVRL

The UCD National Virus Reference Laboratory (NVRL) provides a diagnostic and reference service for clinicians investigating viral infections throughout Ireland. The laboratory is affiliated to the University College Dublin School of Medicine. The NVRL have provided a virology diagnostic service to the Irish health service for over forty years.

We currently perform over 700,000 tests annually, involving some 120 tests for 40 different pathogens and provide specialist reference services which have been developed as a result of medical and technical expertise built over many years. We are proud to offer our service users accredited tests in line with national and international “best practice”.

Hours of service

Normal Opening Hours:        Monday to Friday:       8.00 a.m. - 5.30 p.m.

The laboratory routinely operates from 8.00 am to 6.00 p.m. daily but officially opens from 8.00am to 5.30 pm, Monday to Friday.

Job Vacancies


The NVRL is accredited by the Irish National Accreditation Board (INAB) to undertake testing as detailed in the Schedule bearing the Registration Number 326MT, in compliance with the International Standard ISO/IEC 15189:2012 "Medical laboratories - Requirements for quality and competence".


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